Cloudmanagedwifi makes renewing your Cisco Meraki License easy! Armed with your requirements, simply browse our web site by clicking LICENSE RENEWAL on the Main Menu.
From the Menu on the left, select the Enterprise or Advanced Security License you require to be taken to the Sub Collection eg. Enterprise License-MX64. Select the term of License you wish to purchase (1, 3 or 5 Years) and on this page there is a text box where you can enter the Serial Number of the device you wish to renew the license for. Then add the License to the Cart. Simple!
Remember, you require one license per device! When you Check Out, the Serial Number of the device you entered when adding the license to the Cart is automatically transmitted to us with your order - speeding up the order process as we won't have to follow you up for the Serial Number in order to place the order on Meraki.
Be sure to complete the Check Out using the original company name that the license was purchased under, as Meraki uses that data to ensure that the renewal is legitimate.